Monday, June 14, 2021

Refresh, Reset, Shine :)

 Good morning,

As I sit here today on my city patio watching the sunrise and look back on my life over the last year and a half. I think to myself. Woo hoo! You made it! 

This year should have been sending my daughter to kindergarten, a solo year with my son, and then both in school next year. Crazy to think now it's a challenge to even state that I will send my kids to school in the fall. Cheers to the homeschooling parents out there. I never knew why God gave me a preschool teacher job out of college, to working with childcare assistance, and back to preschool again to now homeschooling my kindergartner and preschooler. Whew! 8 more days!

I'm so thankful God prepared me. See my passion is to help others. So as I went through the last year and a half it was taking care of my home, taking care of my kids education, well being, and social life which in my opinion wasn't in my plan or ideas. 

But then here we are in victory. Kids will be trying school out in the fall as a 1st grade and kindergartner. 

But in the middle of the pandemic I got blessed with a remote job. Which at first is adding another juggling ball into the midst of already trying to swim between housework, being at home way too much. But God gave me adults and other people to help when I barely saw anyone outside of a 10 person or so bubble. I was overjoyed. Praise God, He provides. And I'm still doing that same job and I love it. 

Yet again I'm not doing social work yet but I'm taking small steps to get back into my career. God is so faithful. He knows our hearts and He gifted us with our passions. Which will be used at times in life in different ways and curveballs we didn't even see yet HE WILL PREPARE US. 

I have felt so many emotions over the last couple of years. But one thing I have really gotten to in this pandemic is getting in with God. On the days I feel empty I run to Him. The Word kept me thriving and surviving let's be realistic. I have felt frustration as many of us to miss our loved ones. Our friends. The 101 new people I would have met as an extrovert. I missed church (in person) which I have finally just gotten back to after my vaccine was effective. 

I just want to encourage you. Don't give up. Don't rush. God is in every detail. And even though as parents, as spouses we mess up and fail daily. God sheds grace and we can grow if we humble ourselves. As a homeschool teacher, I've been excited, driven, and then just trucking through. I don't know who is more excited to cross the finish line my daughter or I. 

Not only that but I got thrown another curve ball. In parenthood our challenges so far have been food allergies and asthma. But then the other curve ball was possible high functioning autism. But you know what I didn't let that get us down. God equips us along the way. He will help us each step. Although it is rough. And it builds you to trust in Him even more. 

As I sit out here on my porch many moments happened in this last year where I was selfish. I do not love being at home all the time. First if you have kids and you are home too much the cleaning just never stops. Second if you are an extrovert and you can't have people over the motivation to clean and the struggle to enjoy cleaning is almost insurmountable. As an extrovert and introvert spouse we had our challenges as well. But praise God He brought us through it. 

But victory is what I clung to. There is a storm. But if we can even see a speck of hope. And somedays that's all we can muster. And God says faith the size of a mustard seed is enough. Obviously through trials and the years as a Christian (4 years old and beyond) my faith is just like Wow God, this looks nuts but if anyone can do it, You surely can. 

We just went on a beautiful dinner in the city to celebrate 7 years of marriage. Crazy to think all we've been through in 7 years, moving twice, 2 kids, a pandemic, job changes, health moments. But God has brought us and provided each step. It felt surreal being downtown enjoying on a boat and seeing everyone out and alive again Memorial Day weekend. But it felt like victory. And although we can't tell how long victory lasts or what may come. When you finish a race you celebrate. Well 7 years of marriage is just the beginning. But I can't wait for what's to come. 

God gives us passion and dreams to hope for and keep us alive and breathing. He gives us hope in the middle of hopelessness. He blesses us with rewards in the journey. If you are depressed let God carry you to joy. If you are stressed cast your worries to the father. 

I will give you an example of a stressor I could let control my life but I have learned I have to trust God in. My daughter has a severe food allergy to the point where you touch her after you have had a dairy product she breaks out in hives, her tongue gets itchy, her belly hurts, for tiny amounts, if more than that. Well we have only had to use the eppi pen twice both at preschool. But mistakes and things will happen. So I am not OCD although thanks to the pandemic and food allergies I might be classified that in the coming years. But I have learned grace and communication and courage. I could live in fear. Or I can do the best I can do and move forward. I bring wipes to wipe down slides with McDonald's yogurt. Do I get mad at the child who spilled it, no. I do what I can humanly possible to keep my daughter safe. As we journey to school and lunches and kids. Praise God she's not alone and many other people have food allergies. I pray to God one day she might outgrow them. But honestly if it isn't good for her and we have adapted thus far. I won't worry about her eating those things. I keep moving forward. 

One of many examples of how God has grown my grace circle. Another thing I have learned this year is Prayer. I've currently been reading Praying Circles Around Your Life, Praying over your Children. I am also reading The Five Love Languages of Children. I have learned to trust God in everything. In your pit of despair, the most joyful moment of your life. To trust God with each step. He will catch you, carry you, and advance you even farther than your mind can imagine. 

Cheers to surviving 2020 and keep running the race God has set me on. I am excited for the future. I am thankful for the past while hard it prepared me to do what I need to do now. 

As a 31 year old woman who was married at 24, have had 2 kids, am driving the mini van I swore I would never get, homeschool teacher, homemaker for a season who wasn't even remotely planning on that. God is in the midst. Although we have ideas or ideals, God's map is way better. I'm so thankful for my joy, my challenges, my pain, my heartbreak. Because each  moment God can use for others and for me to be humble in loving more. 

P.s. how did I survive. JESUS, COFFEE, A MILLION VIDEO CALLS, NINTENDO SWITCH GAMES, Phone Chats daily with my mom and Grandma, Walks with my kids, without my kids, MUSIC playing in my home daily (worship music) and just reading the Bible on my App and doing weekly devos with a bunch of different dear friends. With God all things are possible! 

Just wanted to write a blog I've been wanting to write for months but because of the many things I am juggling, well better now than never :) 


Heather Cheryl Perez 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Contending for Joy In The Middle of The Battle

 Cheers! We have made it through one of the most interesting years ever! 2020! Although 2021 seems to carry on the raging battle of Coronavirus and other things. 

Wow. Stepping into the New Year felt amazing. It still does. It's a New Year with new possibilities and new discoveries to be made. What is your purpose in this year? 

In my new year continues homeschooling a preschooler and kindergarten student. It includes a remote position. It includes wifehood. It includes homemaker. Never have I ever wanted to be in one space all the time. 

It has been challenging but a year in, I might be becoming a pro. NOT. I miss church, people, friends, family. It is not easy. But hey were almost a year in! So what. 

What did I learn in 2020. I will never miss out on a social gathering again. I miss downtown. Being at home isn't as horrible as I thought it would be. But I definitely don't want to be here forever. 

God has been doing so much in this year! It amazes me. I've met 3 new neighbors on my daily mental health walks with kids and without kids. We put a kiddie pool on our city porch. We got our first inflatable snowman. We have had our Christmas tree up since last week in October. 

I have also learned organizing never ends. Whew! I have done deep cleanings in this year. But here we are again. It's needed over and over again. Which reminds us of joy and contending. It's a daily battle, without my friends and my bible devos and continous conversations with the Lord. It'd be dark. 

But because I'm actively battling the flesh feelings of hopelessness, boredom, frustration, fear, unknown, divisions, politics, etc. the list could just keep flowing. 

I was in a meeting this year for my new job, and they said to use humor to deflect a hard or awkward situation with a coworker or superior. Although I maybe would have said that would be great before this year. God has refined by FIRE confrontation and to not back down this year. Which was fought in the middle of May with a battle that sucked. But hey I'm still here, breathing and better than ever. 

A battle in the moment feels like a raging war you would like to retreat from. But when you have God, and His family and people that check your heart. It'll get you right. 

As I sit here in our 3rd bedroom, my office space. Wow. My perspective from May to October was a world away. Cause God can do anything. 

There has just been so much in this year. I mean the virus could just top it off. But the virus, filled with people stuck inside with access to the internet and going stir crazy and then a political war, I mean a civil war online ish. I hope you have found man the purpose is eternity. Cause theres a lot of problems and I'm telling you this coming from dealing with many issues over my lifetime as well as seeing the state of the world and people. Personal and observation. NO ONE is perfect. 

We all say things, do things, but let's try to make 2021 a little more grace filled and compassionate. And I'm telling you that as a mom who has a child with asthma I mean and I don't like not going out or having play dates cause my kids miss people too. But we are all in this together. Whether you believe or don't, whether you mask or don't, whether you have a strong opinion or don't. 

Can't we all just get along. Oh my goodness The Office correlations with 2020 have been spectacular by the way. I just can we care about other human beings and people more than our routine. I hate wearing the mask but hey. It's the least of my worries. It could be worse. 

How do I contend for my joy. I read my Youversion Bible App everyday. I'm doing devos every week. I'm pumping worship music in my car and house and creating worship sessions because I miss singing with people at church. I pray all the time. I stop before I talk or even respond. Cause God, He responds so much better. In the end I'm enjoying my 30th year of life which literally has been spent from my birthday lockdown to now in the house or running and doing my hunger game store run. I also watched tons of THE OFFICE and laughed with many video calls and texts with dear friends. COFFEE. That's for sure. Reading books. Virtual small groups. Oh this year! 

I thought the other day talking with a friend, what God is looking at us and being like drinking a cup of coffee, and He's like hold tight guys the joy is coming and you have no idea the VICTORY coming! Keep your heads up people! God is here! There is a victory coming. Victory in Jesus. Eternity is much longer than this little time on earth. But while I'm here I'm going to enjoy it with myself, loved ones, but also others. Because everyone is loved by God and that means I am going to aim for that as well. Regardless of many many things that our flesh and mind can't even begin to understand. 

Cheers to 2021. To be continued. As we are truly living day by day! 

I cannot wait to read this when I'm 60 and laugh at all of this mayhem! 

Don't let this year or last year or any year or situation STEAL YOUR  JOY! FIGHT FOR IT! 


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Who Am I? At 29, feeling fine, with Jesus in my heart, and joy abounding, it’s a beautiful adventure and mystery ❤️🌸🀩😍

Who am I?

29 years young until next year. A woman. An educated Bachelors in Social Work graduate. A city of Chicago dweller, which means, beautiful views and parking tickets ha. A child of God. A daughter. A sister. A half sister. A cousin. A wifey. A mother. A church member. Someone who’s not so good at keeping my sink empty. Someone who tries at organization but ends up procrastinating.

We wear so many hats. Life can feel crazy at points. Or you worry about each different hat, or other voices, or so and so said this. Forget about it.

I love the Lord and gave Him and continue giving Him my heart since I was 4 years old, in the middle of my parents divorcing, gaining a stepfamily very shortly after.

I’ve had to reflect over life recently as my father passed at 49 years. It is so hard. But praise the Lord, I had hashed things out with my dad over the years. I set boundaries, I confronted him in my college years as I was a social work major so I learned some things I had never put to practice and wanted to. And it wasn’t easy and AT THE MOMENT. People didn’t agree. They said you’re a horrible daughter, you shouldn’t do that, he’s your father. But the finished result, it was beautiful. Because with my father I grew and understood my father was the biggest challenge and unconditional love that ONLY God could groom me and train me how to love him. And as I look back, especially the last 5 years as I became a wife and mother, my dad and I grew closer as he became a Grandfather.

It’s funny how roles, titles, and responsibilities change us and push us.

My mom has pictures of her grandchildren as she’s been a grandma as well to push her and motivate her to be the hard worker she is. My dad was as well. Extremely hardworking.

But what motivates me, these titles, roles, of course they do. They are challenging roles. But what keeps me balanced. MY LOVE FOR THE LORD AND submitting and surrendering EVERY SINGLE THING TO HIM!

Ha. That doesnt even mean I’m perfect because I’ve made huge mistakes but I DONT STICK THERE. I ask God for forgiveness, He grants me grace and pushes me forward, not me, not my anger, not my shame, not my embarrassment. None of that could even help me, it would just make me bitter and even if I did move forward would help, it would only be a mirage. Because underneath if you don’t have the Lord, you could burn a letter with the thing you have inside your heart, you could take a class and punch a bag, you could dance it off, you could drink your pain away, you could do drugs, you could have relationship after relationship, but all it does, it hides it for awhile but in the end out of your heart, words, actions, it will all RESURFACE. And if you gossip behind closed doors, eventually EVERYTHING COMES TO THE LIGHT. So be wise, take care because every word, every action, every relationship, while it might seem small and for a season, PEOPLE REMEMBER and it impacts others.

I had a weird guy I dated for a couple months in the past before I met my AMAZING GUAPO MEXICANO husband. And my sisters still remember him and will make funny jokes. So everything comes to the light no matter what. 🀣

And as I looked at my Dads life, he carried so much. But it was too much I feel. And it made me realize how thankful I am that I have the Lord supernaturally working on my behalf for me and even when I’m stubborn or HARD HEADED and it could take years to come to the light with that or even say sorry, but the thing is, with God you can be humbled. He can heal things that you can’t heal yourself. He can help you love the worst enemy in your life, whether big or small.

I’m so thankful that God has blessed me with His grace and a peaceful life. It’s not about the MONEY. It’s not about what people think or listening to the voices. No. It’s about God, who HE MADE YOU TO BE. Cause really without Him I wouldn’t know what to do. Without His Word i wouldn’t know how to be a good daughter, wife, mom, cousin, sister, half sister, friend.

And the battles will come, the storm will rage, and it WILL BE HARD. And it won’t even end sometimes or most times. But with GOD, you will rise above it, even when YOU FEEL HURT, left out, jerked around, gossiped about, weirdly looked at, not welcome, out of place. GOD is with you. Whew. It’s been a month. 2 months oh my goodness to be exact.

God knows everything before it even happens. So my job I had for 1.5 years was great but then got super challenging for a season and I wanted to leave for a year, job hunted for months. It just got to the last straw, and I put my 2 weeks in without knowing what came next.

Little did I know the night before my last day of work (which didn’t happen) my father would pass away and I’d be helping my aunt and uncles plan a funeral and mourn with my sisters and family and go through what seemed like the craziest season, and it still rages on, in different ways. I still have pictures and momentos of my dad in my kitchen and living room. I cry sometimes.

I think how my children won’t get to see him at Christmas and their birthdays which is when we mostly saw him. I’ll think how he won’t get to hold them or tell them silly stories or sit down to a meal. And I cry as I even write this.

I’ll think if I ever have a crazy work story or situation I won’t have my comic relief of my father. I won’t have someone to text for a Bears game or cubs game. Someone to ask about cooking.

But I’m so thankful that God showed me through our relationship that no matter what someone else does or says and sometimes it was very deep and intense hurt, and my sisters experiences even more hurt at points that i did, with God HE CAN HEAL IT. He can take it away and with Jesus in your heart you can continue to love and forgive. Whew.

I’m so thankful to be 29, love coffee, love dancing, blogging, video blogs, take my kids to the park, dates with my hubby, have a wonderful family unified, extended family at peace. And it’s so many roles and sometimes there is hurt and a wide range of emotions and feeling but with God I, you as well can have a balance even in the worst times.

We were blessed to have a family reunion at a Cubs game. And as I sat with my sisters (technically half but I always have called them my sisters and love them so) I missed my dad. His humor, his laugh, his craziness, but I’m so thankful for the peace and joy as we get together and continue to do things he would have loved to do!

God is good, all the time. We are who we are. But don’t let the negative voices get to you, there’s too many opinions out there. Make sure you have good confidants. But number one the Bible, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit is who I highly recommend.

My name is Heather Cheryl Perez. Thank you for reading this! May God bless you and show you who you are truly meant to be! Free in Christ! Nothing, no one, no WORD shall be formed against you! I hope this blessed you today ❤️

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Treasuring Every Moment, In Every Season, There Is Something to Learn

Today did you enjoy your day? Did you enjoy your work, whether it was office work, cooking, caring for children, did you bring joy or produce joy?  Even in the mundane there is something to be discovered, learned, appreciated.  

My mundane thing is waiting for my son to arrive out of my womb! My due date was yesterday and my body is working on it but nothing has happened yet for me to get to the hospital.  My patience, UGH, is wearing thin.  I'm ready to have my body back, to be able to run again, to be able to chase after my toddler or have space on my lap, to have more patience, to get rid of heartburn, and to hold my precious newborn Hazael in my arms.  

God always has something to reveal to us.  Mine this season has been preparing, resting, and also treasuring every moment.  My daughter and I have fun daily playing with toys, reading, running, laughing, eating, etc. But these are the final moments of the 2 girls in the house while Papa is at work.  Soon our house will be waking up to baby cries, to sharing the spotlight with a newborn, and to have to share her parents which will all be great lessons but also growing periods.  

Well I am blessed to say I am prepared. Or at least I think I am.  I have read books, I have my hospital bags packed.  The house is clean, dishes done, my daughters necessities are packed and ready to go for Grandma.  My mom blessed us and helped us do laundry this past weekend and it was such a blessing. See we live on the 3rd floor and laundry is in the basement so it is a workout, especially with the bump to go up and down the stairs.  But I have never had swollen ankles during pregnancy so there is a plus.  But hey I have a weakness, I did not do the freezer meal thing, there are some areas I'm still growing in.  But I have gotten better since my last pregnancy, I remember it was the Sunday before Thanksgiving, I got the tree up, and that night my water broke.  I left dishes in the sink, laundry I don't even remember.  So this time I have become a better homemaker.  But I still have a lot to grow in.  

I'm blessed with this first year and 2 months to share with my Ellie Abaigael, she is a beauty, spunky, fun, and active little girl.  It's amazing how she went from tummy time not having much to say or move too much to now walking at stores, loving Toys R Us, playing with toys, being able to hold puppets, talking, shrieking, eating food, communicating well when she needs something.  She is the joy in our lives that God has blessed us with.  I couldn't imagine life without her.  She just adds so much extra joy into our life, it is a blessing.

Or even my husband and I, 2 years marriage in June and it's amazing what we have overcome in such a little time.  Life changes, personality changes, learning how to fight fair, and to also love and respect each other in every part.  I'm blessed to have a solid marriage and growing to be more rooted in God daily.  Through prayer and commitment to each other, with God all things are possible.  

And now we have our baby boy coming which honestly we only knew about him 4 and a half months along in the pregnancy.  I never had morning sickness, or any big sign that I was expecting until I noticed something growing (a bump, a new baby), and it was amazing, we went in, found out a week later it was going to be a boy, and here we are waiting for him to greet us.  We could not be more happy!  It was a blessed surprise and an overjoyed one to my husband who excitedly said AWESOME when he found out it was another dude, so our estrogen filled house would have some balance.  

God has taught me a lot in the last few years, how to be a better person, that I fall sometimes but that with God I can get up and run my race no matter what I do to mess it up.  The devil tries to hold us back from our all, our joy, he tries to distract us, but believe me God can beat him any day.  On a missions trip I took to New Jersey as a teenager there was a song, We fall down, But We Get Up, Cause a Friend is Just a Sinner Who Fell Down, But Got Up! It's true, we all fall short of the glory of God, but He, through Him, we can get up, be blessed, be a blessing and treasure what God has in store for us.  If we focus our eyes on Him, or refocus if you lose your way.  

Each moment God is waiting for us to press into Him to reveal something much bigger than what we see.  Something that can refresh and change our life dramatically, and wake us up to something greater, the true reason why He has you where you are at.  This year my husband and I are trying to do the Love Dare Devotion, and it's 365 days and I was gun-ho but then I forgot, but I do it, when I remember we do it, whether it is planned in the morning or a simple reflection after the baby is asleep late into the night, the goal is to focus and try to achieve it, even if my goal was to do it January 1st to December 31st, I'm going to do it, even though we might finish it in 2017.  

In this season in my life I am dedicated to being a wife, taking care of my home, taking care of my daughter and soon to be coming son, go to church where I am a member at now, go to the Moms group, and trust in God each step and celebrate life.  I also know my goal is to further myself, I may have a husband, kids, and a lot of things to do, but I still need God to give me everything I need to be all those things.  Through Him I live and move and breathe.  Life is full of plans, surprises, pitfalls, trials, and joys, but the one thing we have is eternity, God, and His love and Word to show us the true meaning of life.  Here I am at 25, feeling great, but also knowing I have accomplished some things like getting my Bachelor's in Social Work, working, getting married, having children, reconciling with extended family, many things, but I know there is so much more to do, to go, to grow, to change, to press forward, and to shine for Him.  

As I wait in longing to know our precious son Hazael, please pray for my labor to start soon, and that God will bless us in this new chapter with a 1 year old and 2 months, our 2nd going on 3rd year of marriage, and for the blessing of God in 2016 to our family, as well as to you. May God bless you all :) 

Heather Cheryl Perez 

Monday, November 16, 2015

True Joy Is Something That Cannot Be Bought

Hello friends and family! I have not blogged in awhile as I have been nannying part time and dealing with a crawler who turned into a walker now! 

Not only that but I am also 7 months pregnant and expecting our baby boy in mid January! So needless to say I have been busy! 

I love my life, I mean this life that God has given me. Here I am! About to celebrate our daughters first birthday! It's amazing in a year how much she's grown! I remember when she was just doing tummy time and hating me for it and now she's mastering walking and just got her first shoes! I remember shopping with her last Christmas in a moby wrap and now she can't sit still and loves to shop! 

And now I'm about to start the newborn stage with baby boy starting in January! This one was funny because I had lost my post pregnancy weight and felt like I was growing so at 5 months pregnant is when I found out! We were both ecstatic and my husband shrieked awesome when he found out it was a boy! 

2nd year of marriage and 2nd baby here! Although my husband wants 10 so here goes nothing ;) I feel blessed to have a husband that works hard for us and allows me to take care of my children and cough try to get my house work done! 

But I lucked out my mom lives 20 minutes away and has been a huge help for getting date nights! Also for my daughter she is super attached to momma. Even when I go to change the laundry in the basement of our apartment building she cries! It's exhausting but I remember this is a season and God has blessed me with a special daughter who has clung to me not a toy or a bottle or pacifier! Luckily my husband and mom are helping her through that! 

I am blessed to have a moms group to go to at our church home Chicago Tabernacle! 

This season is such a blessing as I get to enjoy my favorite time of year with my husband and daughter! Celebrate my daughters 1st year and might as well celebrate my 1st year as a stay at home mom! Thanksgiving a few days after and then Christmas! 6 days until I put up the tree! Can't wait :) 

God has a plan for us in every season if we wait and depend on Him, He will bless our patience!!! 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Be Joyful Always

Good morning.  Life is flying by, it's been a year since I got married and became Mrs. Perez.  I have a little daughter who is crawling and trying to stand up and climb.  I am 25. It's been 3 years since I graduated college.  I've been walking with God since I was 5 years old. It's crazy to think how fast it all goes.  I can tell you something 3 years ago, leaving Minneapolis when I graduated I could have never imagined where I am at now. A wife, a mother, and a homemaker.  God loves to surprise us.  Oh and none of it is easy,and without God I could not have survived a good portion of my life.  

1st off, being married for 1 year.  I am so thankful for my husband.  I remember first things came up, he's a lot cleaner than I am.  I had to work and still am having to work on that, as I insert procrastination in cleaning sometimes until a guest comes over!  Clothes, organization,all those little things,those were some of the first challenges is working to find a balance, an in between, and I think we still are working on that ; ) 

We've always gone on date nights, movies, walks, etc.  but we also need to budget with our finances, and that I think yet again we are figuring out and still working on.  But I can say we balance each other out, most of the time.  Now too it's changed dramatically as we went from 2 incomes, to 1 income.  We have diaper cost, grocery cost, budgets, coupons,and let me tell you, I'm thankful for 5% at Target and applications cause I'm not a coupon crazy, certain ones like Pampers and Dreft, but yeah, I make lists and stick to them, with the occasion of smores, or a dessert, or Oreos (ya'll who know me know I love Oreos).  

Family & Friends, a balance, I think that is going pretty well, but I always have my God to lift up my prayers.  We have a good balance, and our house is drama free, and it was weird at first, growing up with dysfunctional family, but then now I'm content we don't have to worry about much with family issues,and our family is relaxed and peaceful.  

Realizing that I don't have to spend every waking second with my husband for me was a learning experience, seeing as I'm an extreme extrovert.  At first I thought we had to and I also wanted to do everything together.  But that's not always the case.  We have different personalities, and sometimes I want to go out, and he wants to stay home, and that's ok.  At first I felt bad, but now I know, it's ok.  We still need to work on having more couple friends but at least we do have some friends, and family.  

We have one car,so at points that has been tough cause I like to go out, but my hubby needs to work. But one good thing is that we have buses close by, even though I have not taken a bus unless I've had to, and I'd prefer not to.  But we have the library a few blocks a way,a Starbucks in walking distance.  Oh and there is delivery for food, but hence budgeting,it's a hard balance.  

Speaking of budgeting, and my Social Work Degree.  I applied for and am utilizing the WIC program.  At first I was skeptical about getting financial help because I'd been raised a do it yourself, pay for it yourself, type of way.  But because of these programs we can afford for me to stay home and take care of Ellie, I will definitely be going back to work in the future.  But for now, it's been a huge blessing.  

In the beginning of our marriage we were both working full time on the go, and so we didn't have much time together. My husband had one day off.  I drove an hour in traffic to work and back. Then in November after I quit, reality check I am home all the time, except for shopping, in which Target and I got well acquainted.  But now even more so, in the beginning when we had Ellie I'd run out for an hour with a car ride and errands in the morning.  Then now it's changed because Ellie became aware when I left since she's been with me except for maybe a couple of hours since she's been born (date night). So then I had to take her with me everywhere.  Then now she's evening out and she can stay with papa for an hour,and she's now getting better when Grandma (my mom) babysits.  And it was a few weekends ago I got to go to a housewarming party by myself for 2 hours, talk about extrovert happiness, 2 hours,new  people, talking, eating, needless to say freedom.  I love all of my new responsibilities but sometimes you need a break.  

Learning how to cook,clean, housecare, yeah let's just say I'm getting there. I have time, it's just sometimes the motivation is lacking.  I've caught up on all tv shows there can be that I actually enjoy.  I listen to the radio, podcasts, but my real sanity is in blogging,hanging out with people, having people over, or going to other people's places. 

My little daughter is almost 7 months old, she's sitting up by herself, she can crawl, she can pull herself up on random objects, her crib, people, and she is one crazy active baby :) She is so sweet, yet she'll tell you what she wants.  She's strong yet dainty.  She's singing, crawling, eating, grabbing anything she can, as in recently I relocated our dvds to the top shelves because that was a daily cleaning project!  

This summer has been great! My mom and I go a to church nearby called Chicago Tabernacle, my uncle is in town, my sister aka Aunt Amanda comes in town in a few weeks and I can't wait! The last time she saw her niece was 1 month, and now she's doing a lot more plus she's 7 months! :) Then my Aunt Jeanne comes in town in July as well! So we may not be traveling,but people are coming here.  Although I am hoping to go to minnesota in the fall cause I want to visit my old school as well as some of my best friends.  

I can say God has carried me throughout my life but more now than ever, with all these changes at points it's been overwhelming, but our God is greater and  can move mountains, so with God all things are possible.  I'm so blessed to be raising my daughter, to have friends from the past, present, and the ones in the future.  But God is definitely my best friend and He's always got a plan! 

Speaking of that a few weeks ago my mom and I visited the church I had grown up in.  It was such an awesome experience.  I had grown up in the church had many memories there and hadn't gone back since I had left.  And it brought me this closure, God was proud of me.  I may not be perfect, but I truly love God and have all my life and when I was at my church it reminded me how far I had come.  God has opened doors, helped me through everything between divorce from my family dysfunction, to now being in a new chapter of joy, forgiveness, completely being found in God.  In a few years I hope and aspire to write a book documenting my life, what has happened and what God has done in the midst of everything.  :) 

So that's all for now, joyful through changes, trials, and working through things.  Be open, pray, and patience is always important.  

God Bless :) 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Finding God's Role & Purpose For You In The Midst of Many Roles

Hello everyone! It's been awhile! Right now it's been pretty exciting.  I'm a stay at home mom.  I am a wife. I am a friend. I am a follower of Jesus. I am a church goer. I'm a homemaker. I'm my own individual who likes to hang out with people, drink coffee, sing and play music, drive, travel, read, write, explore, photography, and help people.  I believe there are certain things that are core things that will never change, and there are things that come in and out of your life, or drop out for a while then  come back.

Lately I've been focused on being a mom 100%, and it's not easy.  Finally when she turned 5 months, I had put her in the church  nursery for the first time and got to run to the altar, had some much needed moments with God.  I remember learning you can't give what you don't  have.  If I want to lead, I need my Jesus time, if I don't have my Jesus time I don't have strength to give everyone around me what they need.  For the first ,time in a long time I felt refreshed.

The other thing I've been trying to do is budget, and the last few sermons have talked about resting in God and He provides everything we need.  You have the unplanned events like a parking ticket, or whatever the unexpected thing you need to pay and it throws you off.  Daily I have to give that to God.  He holds everything we need and knows what we need.

To be a homemaker I also need Jesus time but whats awesome is I can combine the two, washing dishes, dusting, etc.  I can throw on worship music and also be praying. Let me just say I have been trying to improve because those dishes can slack, and all the little things you never even knew needed to be cleaned so much, because yep.  I am new to this and do I have a lot to grow in.  Not to mention cooking cause my hubby actually is a great cook.

To be a wife, to support my husband as he carries us financially through this season, and to save energy for him and to treat him well as he works most of the week and only gets one day off.  Sometimes this happens,sometimes with the baby when he gets home I am ready to go to bed when baby sleeps.

I love to write,take photos, and sing.  I take photos of baby, almost daily.  I try to write my blog here or write in my journal goal is once a week but so far not so much.  I sing daily, whether its to baby, in the car on an errand, or to worship music here at home.

I'm blessed to fulfill all these roles.  But hey I'm not kidding myself if I say I can do it.  I can only do it with God strengthening me.  5 months after being more soaking in the mom role, I'm ready to get back to being me with a baby.  Balancing act, life is.  But remember the core of you, because that is what is going to get you through it.  I don't want to lose me, I want to make me better and be able to do all God can do.

I'm first a child of God with a unique call on my life, second a wife, third a mother, and many more things. But if I seek God I can be all of these things and do everything.  Not to mention I need to take care of myself as well.

As for now I have my degree and passion Social Work as well.  I still have my resume ready and out there just in case God opens a door in that direction but for now I am content learning and being a wife and mother.  We are planted in God and growing, and are blessed each step.  I'm blessed to have God's direction and know no matter what He loves us, through it all, and will keep us through everything and teach us along our journeys.  My blessings are immeasurable, and I could not be more thankful for what God is teaching me in this season.  But I'm thankful He's made me unique and I'm able to use my own unique God, Holy Spirit led persona to fill all the roles He's giving me, and He shows me each step through prayer, His word, others, and through the mistakes and the correct steps to depend on Him completely.

That's it for now!  Have a wonderful week! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

25, Millenial, Dreams, Motherhood, Newlywed, Trying to Learn about That Adult Life, Saving,Spending, Self Control

Opening up this blog with I recently turned 25, 5 years until 30, halfway to 50, feeling fresh, young. Yet this year huge things changed, I am married, so I am a wife, sharing my life and everything with my husband who rocks! Not only that but I am a new mother as well, so talk about learning curves all around.  Not to mention learning about adulthood, budgeting, one income, fighting to work so I can invest in my daughter, it's a touch and go process, but I am thankful for God's provision. 

Well spring has arrived, well we thought so until yesterday.  As it snowed and snowed and snowed! LOL! But it's melting today and tomorrow thank goodness, cause I'm ready to walk, get out and about!  My little Ellie is 4 months old and getting cuter everyday! My highlight as a new mother is her doctors appointments as I find out that she is healthy and the development and percentages of where she is growing!  This next one my miracle is coming we get to talk introducing solids!  I am ready for some help with her and also to introduce and embark on a new journey! 

I am home, trying to get the cleaning schedule down, taking care of my husband, my baby, the house, and figuring out budgeting on one income.  It's not hard, it just takes work & discipline.  I'm not the best yet, and I'm learning! 

But I'm enjoying it, and like any parent I'm figuring out how to teach Ellie some things that I didn't learn until I was a little behind.  I was blessed to enjoy life, I worked sometime in junior summer of high school but I wasn't a saver, I was a spender, senior year summer, worked tons at Six Flags,  spent it.  Worked at a school cafeteria in college, spent it, six flags every summer spent it.  I got to enjoy life in all of these moments but then Post College came and I had loans hit me.  I am going to try and teach my daughter about budgets early.  But I am trusting in God and I don't have too much debt but some, so I am trying to balance family life, student loans, living expenses, and also enjoying the moments. 

I think I have let money fly out of my fingers, I mean, my discipline is if I don't love it, I don't buy it.  So at least I don't buy just anything! But yep! I'm learning. At 25, and thrown into a few new roles, I am finally thinking about these things! But I'm not worried! I have God, I'm figuring it out, and hey in America I hear most people are in debt, or a few, but hey there is a way out, its discipline, focus, and motivation!

But at 25, I feel great! I feel like I'm getting more balanced, enjoying life, but becoming more disciplined!  God is faithful.  I love being a mom, my little daughter impresses me more everyday! She's rolling over, can stand with her own strength while I hold her hands!  She is making funny faces, her newest one is sticking her tongue out and making some funny sounds! She doesn't cry as much! She is just so precious to me!  She is great when we go to church! She loves to sit up, she falls asleep in the stroller as well as the carseat so she can be out and about and she's pretty good!  Every morning when I say good morning to her she blesses me with a great big smile and everyday it makes it worth it to get up, God has blessed me with a beauty that I hope to raise up to be a complete lover of God.

I love being married, it's work, but it's the best work because you always have your partner in crime.  We go on our date nights every monday and its a blessing, because we get to just go be young, have fun, and have an adventure!  My husband and I love movies, taking walks in Chicago, and just enjoy an adventure!  God has blessed me with an awesome man who loves God, and he is a wonderful bff! 

Each day is a new day, God has something new to reveal!  I pray you all have a great week!  God bless!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A New Season and New Lessons to Learn

Good morning! I'm reflecting this morning on God's great journey in front of me.  As I woke up to the crisp 37 degrees, dropping off my car to get fixed, and stopping by for my first Peppermint Mocha of the season, I was really reflecting.

I don't know about everyone else, but life gets busy but when you take the time to reflect and understand where you are presently and where you were at before this, you really glean some great things.  Not only that but I am listening to a sermon on sacred relationships: the flow of marriage. 

Wow.  Well good news! I have gotten my nesting & decorating started.  Speak of craziness I am in nesting mode, working 40 hours a week up until my baby comes and sometimes trying to keep our home clean, somewhat.  Trying to maintain a wonderful relationship with my husband as I'm getting baby crazy, and maintaing the balance. 

Not even that, but to remember to take care of myself, as well as my husband and this wonderful little baby girl Ellie that is kicking me daily as well as kicking my husband every now and then ;)

We are going to take a mini two day vacation at the end of this month.  Stepping out of our daily routine and taking our first road trip, getting a few things done as well as visitng St Louis Missouri and beautiful nature in southern Illinois. 

CANNOT WAIT! I have 3 countdowns going on, first is our mini vacation.  2nd is our little girl arriving, due date is November 23rd (Thanksgiving week) so we will see when this little girl decides to come join us!

I am planning a baby shower with my mother & grandmother/housewarming, which is bringing me much joy! I am trying to see my friends in the midst of adulthood schedules, life, budget, work, etc, the list goes on.  I am seeking out community where I can find it. 

It is so different the flow of life from when friends were the epicenter to  where you have jobs, families, etc. plus making new friends is a harder journey.  But I can say I am blessed by my co-workers, my boss, and the people who God has placed in my life where I am at the most.  They bless my life and bring me joy as we sit in our cubicles daily and talk about 5 o clock coming around, and talk about random things (since most of us are women anyways). 

Soon I will not be working.  I will be at home with a baby, taking care of , and trying to seek out community but also caring and being exhausted (from what I hear with sleep).  We will see whether it keeps me in more, being more of a homebody.  Or will I just be taking Ellie on journies daily as we take adventures.  I'll keep you updated. 

Not only that but balancing life, career, God's call, and as for now starting in end of November & December I get to focus on a new chapter, wife & motherly duties being my main focus. 

Then soon I will be looking for part time social work jobs closer to where I live as I have been traveling 1 hour back and forth every day to get to work & back. 

As for marriage, it is a blessing to always have someone with you and by your side in all moments, learning to be selfless, learning personalities, going through changes together, and trusting in God and also leaving things in God's hands even when you so bad want to do your social work magic, that is one of the things in social work is you are helping someone help themselves, you do not have control, but you have a God that you can release your frustrations to, and also praying for your husband or wife is a very powerful thing.  It can help and I have seen that in the last 5 months of my marriage. 

Know that no one is perfect, and a healthy marriage has arguments, it's normal, because you have a man's mind & a woman's mind with different ideas working.  So don't be freaked out if ya'll have a disagreement.  It's bound to happen, but if you have love & respect you can talk it out, and also know that is important. If you have God first, then your spouse, then the other things of life, you will learn a balance.  Without the love of God you cannot fully love your spouse, because you don't even know or can't even fathom what life is like.  Be on a team, not be two seperate items.  A team works together, meets in the middle, and makes the team work, give and take, 50/50, 90/10, etc. 

I love my husband, he brings me joy each day when he gets home from work, and he is such a good provider, hardworker, loves me no matter what my emotions or feelings might be like.  I have learned in marriage, many things change, you grow, but you have that initial friendship, companionship, along with seeking God together that will keep your relationship flowing. 

Ephesians 5 New International Version (NIV)
5 1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. 5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.[a] 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them.

8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:
“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Instructions for Christian Households

21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”[c] 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

I was reflecting on Ephesians and thinking about this.  I am learning a lot, in being married, preparing to be a mother, and preparing to start being at home more often than not.

I pray God blesses us all in our journeys, in singleness, in marriage, in parenthood, etc.  all the chapters and so thankful for the Bible and it's wise instruction along with many friends, sermons, and wonderful ways to comprehend the many changes of life. 

I pray you all would glean something from this.  As well as I'm so excited as I am 35 weeks pregnant, 35 more days to go, to nest, to enjoy just me and my husband, 66 days until Christmas, and to decorate for my favorite holiday of the year as a wife & our first home together! God is good! He has great blessings out of every chapter :) I am so thankful for what He is doing in our life and we could not be more joyful :)

God Bless,

Mrs Perez (Heather Cheryl Perez)

Yay! :)

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Journey We Call Life: A Reflection

Hello again! My goal is to get back into a routine of writing a blog!  So here's to number 2.  Lately I've been trying to reflect on life, the change, the craziness, the unknown, the present, past, and also begin to dream about the future. 

So we'll start from future!  I have my Bachelor's in Social Work from North Central University and want to use it!  I live in Chicago where Social Work is needed.  I want to touch people's live and have God use me as a tool whether directly or indirectly shining His light.  I have a passion for the homeless.  I have a passion for youth & children. 

I have seen disparities in children and families that are broken, and these kids know no different than to repeat their parent's footsteps.  The parents lack the knowledge or correct information to teach their kids.  So you have an ongoing cycle.  I see also the hurt and pain that comes from divorce either boy or girl, but I've seen preschool age boys have severe emotional issues because they lack a father figure in their life.  But we are God's hands and feet so we need to meet the need.  As we go into a whole new world, introducing confusing, mixed up messages, family structures, etc.  I pray people would set examples as well as my husband and I, with our child and our family to set an example and to share life with people and to be the people who share the light and that there is an out from the past, you don't have to repeat. 

I want to get my Masters for sure in Social Work as well as maybe my Doctorates one day.  I have dreams of being a Marriage Counselor.  But my dream job is to talk with people about their problems and help them through change and introducing change.  Have a desk but I'd rather be out in the mess of this world helping people through the mess than being behind a desk all day. 

I want to have a wonderful marriage that lasts forever with God's love as the rock.  I want to raise kids that are different.  Different as in how I was as a child, I loved God, and the world didn't rock me, although it was hard at points but set them to be an example in a world full of confused messages.  To live with the Bible as the authority, also not be afraid to talk about Him in the schools, although I heard that is getting to be against the rules.  If my kids be rebels, so be it.  But for the right side.  We are here, freedom is here.  I pray that God show us as followers of Christ with each step what to do.  I hope to be an awesome mom who loves, prays, and shows her kids the things of God, as well as exhibit patience, joy, peace, and to always be someone to go to. 

I want to die having left a legacy, not my own, but one of God's legacies.  I always want to be active in the community.  I never want to stop doing.  I want to show God's love in action, whether thats praying in my house, going on the streets and praying with a homeless man and buying him lunch.  Helping out at a community center.  Helping a family in need when you have the chance.  There's small & big ways, each one speaks the same message.  God loves everyone and we are here to be His hands and feet. 

As for present, wow, let's say 2014 the year of big changes!  I got married, moved into a city again (SO HAPPY NO MORE COUNTRY SUBURBS OR COBURBS I WOULD SAY) , I lived with a man when my whole life I've only ever lived with women.  Not only that, but I then find out and got ecstatic to find our little baby girl Ellie is on the way as well!  Let's just say a lot of changes all at once.  But I have to say I have always said I love change, but 2015 looks like a year to adapt to changes and rest in the beautiful newness of these wonderful life chapters beginning! 

My job is wonderful! I've been there 9 months! The Office Life/Cubicle Life. I'm enjoying it, and learned a lot and glad I have a secure job with benefits, finally!  It's been a journey!  But soon, in November I'll be starting maternity leave at the end I believe, and I will not be working, but soon a newborn Ellie, will be joining us and I'm sure that entails work enough.  But it shall be interesting as usually I love to go out and do things, and now I'll have a little baby and don't normally like to stay in the house without leaving once a day, so we'll see that transition. 

I am happily married and in the decorating & nesting part of my life where I'm trying to get everything prepared before the little baby arrives.  We have couches, thanks to a dear friend, as well as a kitchen table,  we got a crib & changing table from another friend.  And the walls are still white and without very much, so I'm getting plans and getting ready for pictures, decorating, etc. 

I miss music so much! I need a keyboard/piano, but right now I have my guitar (which the first string is broken so I gotta get that fixed) so I've been playing on that.  But I want to get back to music and singing and recording some videos on youtube, etc. 

My new family is peaceful and I'm so thankful to have a apartment filled with peace and harmony.  I have had to set huge boundaries with some people from my family, and it's hard, but I can tell you that now my life is not full of stress, issues, drama, and I am so thankful that God brought me to a new place full of joy, peace, and like I said drama free.  Still I miss those and I love and pray, but sometimes space is the best thing and I can attest is the absolute best thing. 

God is wonderful, He provides for us, He is the rock of our life, and no one can shake that joy, peace, that comes with God being at the center.  :)

As for the past, it's amazing, from the jobs I've worked to where I am at now.  I've worked at a floral department, Six Flags retail, Six Flags Photos, Cafeteria at college, Target downtown Minneapolis, Holiday Target Gurnee, Preschool Teacher, Lunch Lady, After School Care, and now Caseworker/Child Care Assistance Specialist.  I am so glad for all the opportunities and things I've gotten to learn and picked up all throughout my life. 

As for family, friends, I am thankful for the family support I have and have kept a healthy relationship with me, the past of brokenness I leave in the past and hope one day God will pick up those pieces, but I must keep walking in truth and light, and leave it in the past, friends I picked up along this life so far have been treasures, and I'm so thankful to have life long friends and life wouldn't be the same without them :)

 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  (HEBREWS 12:1)

The joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)